Tuesday 18 August 2015

Flip flops, Black ops beta codes and Netduma effect!!!

Well hello interweb,
It never ceases to amaze me that spread amongst your zero's and one's there are so many people that have the IQ of a flip flop!!! the rapier like wit and razor sharp insults so sharp that you may cut yourself really is quite astounding, but I digress.
Today I would like to bring you a little bit more information regarding the Upcoming Black Ops 3 beta which is due to arrive in a few hours on PS4.
For those of you who do not yet have a beta code I believe Gamestop (US only) have a few codes up for grabs here http://www.gamespot.com/articles/call-of-duty-black-ops-iii-ps4-beta-code-giveaway/1100-6429831/
For those of us in the UK if you have an O2 mobile and you download the O2 Priority app and go to the entertainment section you may be lucky enough to pick one up. They are apparently releasing them in batches so may be worth checking back if none are available when you look.
I will keep checking and if I get one I will post it up here as I already have a code.
The developers appear to be placing more emphasis on playing together and this can be seen in the news that the campaign can be played with up to 4 players with revive options etc. Something that I don't recall has been done since World at War.
On reading a little into this it would appear that the campaign is not a simple linear walkthrough like previous offerings and replaying the same levels can take you down several different paths etc.
Between levels there is rumoured to be an area where you can stay connected to your friends and change load outs and even change game to zombies try stuff out in the firing range etc all without having to break up the party. All feels a bit Destiny to me but hopefully it will all work out.

The beta itself will have 3 maps, Hunted, Combine and Evac.
Game modes have been confirmed as TDM/Dom/Demolition/KC/Hardpoint/CTF and Search and Destroy.
Speacialist which can be ranked up with progression I still have my reservations about but I guess that is why they have a beta.
The developers are hoping that people will give them constructive feedback form the beta and I am sure that many people will do just that.
The score streaks I think will have a very Black ops 2 feel to them which is not a bad thing but lets just hope it doesn't promote a "certain" type of playstyle during objective games. Yeah right. lol.
Having checked out a site that gives you estimated download times for your relative internet connection the 15 GB should download in 1 hour and 16 minutes on my connection.
 Meanwhile back at the ranch Tonto was playing with his pole. The jury is out on that one and I am guessing with the amount of people trying to download it will be more like 15 hours but we will see. I may well try a few of the tactics as posted about yesterday.
In other news I have been trying out a few tests on my Netduma R1 router to see if I could actually quantify the Duma effect.
Now I am a very average gamer and do not have the reactions that many younger people have and so was a little concerned that I may not see much difference and so switched of my geo filter for 5 games and recorded the result. I then flipped the thing back on and recorded that result. All HC Domination. after 3 or 4 games warming up.
So with the geo filter off the 5 games I played gave me a result of 0.52-0.71 KDR whilst playing the objective and capturing flags.
And with the Geo filter on the results were 1.21-2.83 KDR over 5 games, again whilst playing the objective and capturing flags.
Not brilliant scores but as I said I am very average, not very scientific and certainly not a big enough test to for conclusive evidence but the best part of an hour each way and it would appear the Duma effect is a positive one.
 On this test anyway.
Oh well interweb, I shal bid you farewell and go and find some more rapier like wit to amuse myself.

Peace out Yall, THEBAGSTAXXX

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